Near-Death Experiences, NDE

Near-Death Experiences

June 11, 20243 min read

Near-Death Experiences, NDE

What happens during a


As a Soul Guide, my role involves assisting numerous clients in coping with trauma. Near-death experiences (NDEs) can be terrifying yet transformative encounters, leading individuals towards profound spiritual awakenings. One such client, Ethan (pseudonym used for privacy), approached me in a state of profound distress and confusion, seeking clarity and understanding following a near-fatal incident.

Ethan's journey began during a late-night drive home from his workplace in the serene outskirts of Willow Creek. Overcome by exhaustion, he succumbed to sleep behind the wheel, awakening abruptly as his vehicle veered off the winding road, colliding with an ancient oak tree. The impact etched a fragmentary memory in Ethan's mind, followed by a void of recollection.

Reflecting on his ordeal, Ethan shared, "When I regained consciousness, I found myself confined to a hospital bed, having endured a two-week coma. Medical assessments revealed a fortunate survival despite a concussion, a fractured limb, and a punctured lung. During my recovery phase, I delved deep into introspection, realizing how I had taken my existence for granted, consumed by the relentless demands of work and responsibilities."

This brush with mortality served as Ethan's catalyst for change, prompting him to reevaluate life's priorities. He embraced quality time with loved ones, rediscovered joys like nature excursions, and developed a profound appreciation for life's simplest pleasures.

Recalling his NDE, Ethan recounted, "It felt like a surreal journey, glimpsing visions of cherished faces, reminiscent of a poignant movie montage. The transition from misty clouds to a radiant light jolted me awake, leaving me with a weightless sensation as if traversing realms before returning." Grateful for this awakening, Ethan acknowledged, "It's a stark reminder of life's brevity, urging me to savor every moment and treasure my blessings."

NDEs remain a subject of fascination and contemplation, often evoking feelings of tranquility, detachment, and spiritual connection. While scientific explanations vary, from oxygen-deprivation-induced hallucinations to glimpses of an afterlife realm, the impact on individuals' lives is profound.

Common elements of NDEs include serene sensations, out-of-body experiences, encounters with light or departed loved ones, and introspective life reviews. These experiences, while subjective, underscore the profound shifts in perspective often triggered by NDEs.

For those grappling with NDE aftermaths, seeking guidance from a Soul Guide or joining supportive communities can foster understanding and healing. Sharing experiences within safe, empathetic spaces enables individuals to process and integrate these profound encounters into their life narratives.

Navigating the aftermath of a near-death experience can be daunting, yet avenues for support and exploration exist, empowering individuals to embrace newfound insights and embark on transformative journeys of self-discovery.

Most common experiences reported during a near-death experience:

> A feeling of peace and well-being.

> A sense of detachment from the body.

> Seeing a bright glowing light.

> Feeling a sense of love and compassion.

> Meeting deceased loved ones.

> Traveling through a tunnel.

> Reviewing one's life.

> Deciding whether or not to return to life.

Dawn Ricci is a Certified Spiritual Advisor, Psychic Medium, and Healer, who has worked with clients from all over the world. Dawn’s specialty is helping clients release trauma within their relationships by opening the dialogue with Spirit and specialized healing modalities. Inquire to [email protected] or visit to book your virtual appointment.

Dawn Ricci is a former private investigator who spent decades in New Jersey and New York, specializing in catching cheating spouses. She is known for her Intuitive Wisdom, Keen Observation Skills, Creative Problem-Solving, and Compassion for her clients. She left the profession in 2015 and found her true passion as a Spiritual Advisor, Healer, and Psychic Medium helping people find their purpose, heal their wounds, and connect with their higher selves.

Dawn’s is the producer of Beach Bench Medium which connects loved ones with those they've lost. She produces her podcast Modern Wisdom, formerly known as the Dawn Ricci Show.

Dawn is the Co-Author of the best-selling book, Warning Signs: How to Know If Your Partner Is Cheating -and What to Do About It and has appeared on radio and television shows including Oprah, the Today Show, 20/20, and two reality shows, with the last being aired on TLC called Web of Deceit.

Dawn Ricci

Dawn Ricci is a former private investigator who spent decades in New Jersey and New York, specializing in catching cheating spouses. She is known for her Intuitive Wisdom, Keen Observation Skills, Creative Problem-Solving, and Compassion for her clients. She left the profession in 2015 and found her true passion as a Spiritual Advisor, Healer, and Psychic Medium helping people find their purpose, heal their wounds, and connect with their higher selves. Dawn’s is the producer of Beach Bench Medium which connects loved ones with those they've lost. She produces her podcast Modern Wisdom, formerly known as the Dawn Ricci Show. Dawn is the Co-Author of the best-selling book, Warning Signs: How to Know If Your Partner Is Cheating -and What to Do About It and has appeared on radio and television shows including Oprah, the Today Show, 20/20, and two reality shows, with the last being aired on TLC called Web of Deceit.

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